Death of Canon Cecil Wilson
It is with sadness that we share news of the death on Sunday 20 February of Canon Cecil Wilson. Our thoughts and prayers are with Barbara and the family circle.
The funeral will be in Down Cathedral on Wednesday 23 February at 2.00 pm with burial in the adjacent graveyard.
Cecil was ordained deacon for the curacy of Lurgan, St John, in 1969, remaining there until 1972 before serving a second curacy in Dromore Cathedral.
In 1975 he took a different direction in ministry and went to work with CMS Ireland, first as Youth Secretary (1975–80) and then as General Secretary (1980–2007). In 2000 he became a Canon in the Chapter of Belfast Cathedral.
In retirement Cecil remained a dynamic presence and was valued as an energetic and creative colleague in the Lecale Area Mission Partnership (LAMP) ministry team.
Details of the funeral arrangements will follow.