• 09 March 2022

Revd Karen Salmon introduced in Magherally and Annaclone

Revd Karen Salmon has received a warm welcome from her new parish of Magherally and Annaclone. 

Bishop David introduced Karen as Bishop’s Curate at a service in St John the Evangelist, Magherally on 8 March and the Rector of Willowfield, Revd Clive Atkinson, gave the address. The ladies of the parish provided a lovely supper afterwards.

Karen said: “It is a privilege to be introduced as Bishop’s Curate for the Parish of Magherally and Annaclone. This is such an outward looking parish with a heart for overseas mission and an active concern for their community. I am excited about God’s call to lead them into a new chapter of growth. Any call is also, however, daunting, but we follow a BIG God who we know is always faithful, so I’m resting on that truth for now!”

About Karen

Karen began her working life as a nurse in Cardiology at Belfast City Hospital. This fostered a passion for preventive health care which led to her work as a health visitor and team leader at Cuper Street and Shankill Health Centres. 

Spiritually, Karen spent formative years as a member of Knocknagoney Parish and the ecumenical group Community of the King where she led a women’s group and was involved in children’s ministry. While helping lead a Scripture Union camp she read an article on Mission which resulted in a rich twenty–year experience in Ethiopia with Crosslinks. 

She was ordained in 2018 and served her deacon year in Shankill Parish Lurgan followed by a curacy in Willowfield Church. At a diocesan level, Karen currently holds the role of Joint Diocesan Director of Ordinands.

View the livestream of the service on our Facebook page.