Bishop Moses Zungo’s Easter Message
The Rt Revd Moses Zungo, Bishop of our link Diocese of Maridi in South Sudan, has written to the Diocese of Down and Dromore with an Easter Message, “Life in all its fullness’’ John 10:10.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I greet you all in the name of our crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ!
Our theme for Easter this year is “Life in all its Fullness.” If Jesus has conquered death, then he can also conquer whatever it is that is holding us back from experiencing Life in its fullness. If you want the same kind of breakthrough that Jesus had when he broke through the grave, then this season is the best time to surrender to Jesus and attach your life to his.
They tried to bury Jesus in a cave and seal it with a huge stone. But, the stone was rolled away. Death could not lockdown Jesus like what Covid–19 has done to the world. Jesus is risen to give us life in its fullness.
The agony continues to be seen among my people in Maridi and South Sudan as the majority still living and experiencing only part of life and not life in its fullness. The humanitarian situation of our people continues to be worsening in the followings ways which need your prayers:
There are still a number of children who do not have access to school and others continue to study under–trees in our archdeaconries in Maridi in the 21st century. Women continue to sacrifice hours between 3 to 6 hours in–order to access clean water in Maridi, others resort to drinking contaminated water in Maridi river. Single mothers who are struggling with the life and education of abandoned children are not supported. Ignorance and lack of knowledge is rampant, not to mention diseases, displacements and man–made disasters.
Finally, I and Mama Rejoice send our sincere greetings, along with prayers for a blessed Holy Week and glorious Easter to all those who have put their trust and faith in the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Wishing you all a happy Easter Day.
Sincerely in Christ,
Bishop Moses Zungo, Diocese of Maridi