Kyle is commissioned as a Diocesan Evangelist
Warmest congratulations to Kyle Harris whom Bishop David has just commissioned as a Diocesan Evangelist for St John’s Moira. Kyle works mostly in men’s ministry, including running a monthly ‘mental mandate’ outreach group and a weekly football group for members of the community.
Meet Kyle
I am married to Susannah and father to two boys, Seth and Judah. I became a Christian at a young age and as a teenager started attending my home church of St Mary’s Ballybeen.
I am so grateful for my church family in St Mary’s and the discipleship I experienced there as well as the opportunities I was given to serve in a number of different ministries. I have a deep desire to make Christ known to others and I was delighted when the Diocesan Evangelist Course was recommended to me. Through this course I have gained a deeper understanding of God’s word and the ways in which I can evangelise to those around me. I would highly recommend this course to those with a passion for evangelism. I particularly enjoyed getting to know the other course members and learning alongside them.
Three years ago, I felt God was calling me to something different that would require me to take on employment within the church in some capacity. In February 2021 that call was fulfilled and, as an outcome of being on the Diocesan Evangelist Course, I began working as an evangelist at St John’s Parish, Moira. This was a step of faith as it took me and my family away from our home church, but God has been so good, and we know we are at the centre of His will.
We have been made to feel so at home in Moira and it has been very encouraging to see how God is moving in the community. I am thoroughly enjoying working alongside the Revd Joanne Megarrell, the staff and congregation here in a paid part–time role. I am expectant and excited for all that is to come.
My hope and prayer for Moira is that as a church we would radiate Jesus to those around us and that many would come to know Him.
Kyle was commissioned at a service on Sunday 8 May 2022.