• 05 May 2022

Winners of the Photography Competition

The winners of the Church of Ireland Central Communications Board’s photography competition – on a theme of ‘New Beginnings’ – were today announced at the 2022 General Synod, in Assembly Buildings, Belfast.

In first place is a colourful view inside Down Cathedral, Downpatrick, by Jeff Marshall, described by the competition judge as “a pleasing scene full of vibrancy that conveys very well the warm feeling often found inside the church sanctuary.” It was taken on Easter Sunday this year as worshippers prepared to celebrate the Resurrection.

Second is Ian Gordon’s photograph of a rainbow at his home parish church, in Saintfield, Co. Down, on Christmas Eve 2021: “A lovely reminder of God’s promise amid a picturesque scene.”

And in third place is a panorama of Lough Melvin, from Garrison, Co. Fermanagh, looking across the border to the Leitrim Hills, which was taken by Pauline Carson in March of this year. Pauline is a member of Kiltyclogher Parish, Co. Leitrim. The judge noted this as “another lovely reminder of this beautiful part of the world we’re blessed to call home.”

The competition was kindly sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance and prizes were presented by Bishop Pat Storey, Chair of the Central Communications Board.  

Bishop Storey remarked: “We’re grateful to everyone who took part in this competition for seeking out signs of new beginnings as we emerge into brighter times. The quality of the photos submitted is a reflection of the creativity which exists across our Church and which helps us to communicate stories of hope and faith around our island.”