Summer opportunities for children through to young adults
The diocese has lots of excellent summer opportunities available for children through to young adults and there are still some spaces left!
JAM Big Days Out (25 and 26 July)
A fun–filled day of games, outdoor activities and bible teaching for children aged from P5 to Yr8. Starting at 10.00am and finishing at 6pm and based in the excellent outdoor surroundings of the Kilbroney Centre.
Kilbroney Adventure Camps (5–9 August & 10–14 August)
Five day residential camps aimed at young people going into Yrs 10–12 (Middle Camp) and Yrs 12–14 (Senior Camp). These are highly rated outdoor activity camps with a focus on discipleship. Junior Camp is full, but places are still available on Middle and Senior Camps.
Foundations (25 June at 7.30pm)
An evening of fellowship and teaching for young adults in their 20’s and 30’s based in Vic Ryn, just outside Moira. See for more details.
Bookings and information on the above can be found on our Eventbrite page HERE.