• 25 July 2022

Our 2022 Lent Appeal tops £25k!

We’re delighted that the diocese has so far given over £25,000 to the Down and Dromore Lent Appeal for 2022. Thank you!

Our churches came out in force to back the Bishop’s Big Bike Ride back in March which highlighted two projects we’re supporting in partnership with Bishops’ Appeal. One is in Jordan with Tearfund and the second is in Honduras with Christian Aid. 

The diocese will be supporting these projects until at least the end of 2022 so it’s not too late for you or your parish to send a donation.

Together with their partner The Christian Organisation for Integral Development of Honduras (OCDIH) Christian Aid is working with 80 rural families to help them adapt their agricultural practices to be more suitable for the changing climate. And in conjunction with Tearfund, the Down and Dromore Lent Appeal is supporting the first church and community mobilisation project based in Jordan and facilitated by the Diocese of Jerusalem.

Read more about the projects here.

If you or your parish is sending funds to Bishops’ Appeal please remember to clearly mark which project the donation is for, even if it is to go into general Bishop’s Appeal multi–charity support funds.

How to give 

Visit the Bishops’ Appeal Giving page where you can also download a Gift Aid form: www.bishopsappeal.ireland.anglican.org/give/ 

OR send a sterling cheque, payable to Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal to:

Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal

Church of Ireland House

Church Avenue


Dublin 6
