Cosmin Pascu is ordained deacon
Congratulations to Revd Cosmin Pascu who has been ordained deacon for an internship in Magheralin.
Cosmin was ordained by Bishop David along with Stu Armstrong at a service in Dromore Cathedral on Sunday 21 August. The address was given by Revd James Burnett, Principal of Belfast Bible College, who preached on 1 Samuel 2: 35 – 35 – “I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his priestly house, and they will minister before my anointed one always.”
Cosmin’s story
I was born in Romania and for almost 18 years I grew up in two different orphanages. The village of Dacia, 80km from the city of Brasov, became my home for over 13 years. Growing up in a place that was affected by the powers of darkness and sin, I found myself, a teenager, plunged into a place that was known for the spiritual, physical and emotional oppression that existed there.
Yet God burst into this space, into this small village (which was hidden away) to bring His Son Jesus to a place where He was not wanted or welcome. In a place of darkness and great pain, Christ’s love, His death and resurrection have helped me to realise how much I was in need of his forgiveness, protection, rescue, care and love. God has found and reached down to me.
At the age of 15, I was introduced to Jesus by a group of Christians who travelled from Ireland to the very orphanage where I grew up and showed me what it means to follow Jesus.
In 2013, after serving Christ in different roles in Romania, God opened doors for me to come to study at Belfast Bible College. Once I graduated, God opened new doors and opportunities to serve Him and His church across Ireland by working with young people and students at All Saints’ Church in Belfast and moving after four years to work with the Christian Unions Ireland and Friends International.
To this day, Christ continues to be alive in my life, helping me not only to be able to serve Him where He brought me to St. Patrick’s Drumbeg with my family (Rachel and Beth) but also to be a living witness to His amazing work and Gospel in the work environment with the Lloyds Banking Group.