• 29 September 2022

Bishop David appointed Honorary Fellow of BBC

At an event in Belfast Bible College earlier this month, Bishop David was appointed an Honorary Fellow along with Revd John Dickinson, Pastor Phil Emerson, Prof Stephen Williams and Paul and Priscilla Reid. The bishop was also invited to give the charge to the new College Principal, Revd James Burnett.

He said: “I was both surprised and very privileged to be invited to become an Honorary Fellow of Belfast Bible College. The college has already and will increasingly assist the whole church in releasing and resourcing a new generation of Christian leaders in Ireland and beyond. It will also be a privilege to provide what encouragement I can to Revd James Burnett in his new role as College Principal.”

The College said: “We are delighted to appoint new Honorary Fellows at Belfast Bible College. Each Fellow has been carefully chosen on the basis of their outstanding contribution to the kingdom of God in Ireland, whether in local parish ministry or through academic acumen. Bishop David McClay was an obvious choice! 

“The role of the Honorary Fellow is threefold: to bring his or her influence on the life of the College, to share in teaching and preaching, and to participate in a new and exciting work of theology of the work of the Holy Spirit in life and congregational ministry which hopefully will become a book.

“The Honorary Fellows will lead a course on the theology of the Holy Spirit at Belfast Bible College, commencing 7 February 2023. Everyone is welcome and more details will follow online in due course.”

Pictured above L–R: Prof Stephen Williams, Revd John Dickinson, Revd James Burnett, Pastor Phil Emerson and Bishop David.