Revd James Cunningham is ordained presbyter (OLM)
Congratulations to Revd James Cunningham who has been ordained (OLM) presbyter for the Ulster Hospital Chaplaincy.
The service took place in James’ home church of Ballybeen on Sunday 11 September. The address was given by Revd Karen Salmon, Bishop’s Curate for Magherally & Annaclone, and Joint Diocesan Director of Ordinands.
James Cunningham reflects on his deacon year
Following my ordination as deacon last September I was encouraged, and challenged, to wear my clerical collar when in the hospital. It was a new phase in chaplaincy for me and I have found for the vast majority of patients, particularly the elderly, the collar has been a reassuring sign to them.
One question I regularly get asked is, “And where is your church?” Before my ordination last year a friend told me that I would be serving in a church without walls – it would not be a recognised church building with a regular congregation. And so when I respond to the question with, “The hospital is my parish – I’m here for you” patients usually smile, comforted that there is a chaplain dedicated to their spiritual wellbeing.
I really do count it a privilege to be able to support those who often have lost their connection with the Church of Ireland but not their faith in God. I hope by accompanying them on this part of their journey I can encourage them, on their return home, to make contact with their local church.
The 2 years of study on Zoom have certainly had their challenges and I must say a big thank you to all involved – lecturers, tutors, fellow students and the admin team at Edgehill. Unfortunately, we only got to meet in person at the very end of the course which was a shame but unavoidable in the circumstances.
I would also like to thank all who have supported me on this journey – too many to name here – and in some cases that encouragement stretches back decades.
‘All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.’