Positive response to primary school Prayer Space
Knocknagoney Parish recently helped to run a successful Prayer Space in Knocknagoney Primary School in partnership with Scripture Union and other local churches.
The Prayer Space was set up in a room in the school and had a variety of activities that helped pupils to explore what it means to pray.
Each class spent 40 minutes in the Prayer Space. After a short introduction they were encouraged to explore the different prayer activities, which were facilitated by a team of volunteers from local churches. The most popular activities were pipe cleaner people, self–esteem mirror, calm jars and fizzy forgiveness.
Feedback from teachers and the pupils was extremely positive and comments included:
It helps people calm down and come closer to God. (P7 pupil)
We can talk to God at any time. (P2 pupil)
I can tell God anything. (P7 pupil)
It made me feel happy and understand myself and God better. (P6 pupil)
The sand tray helped me because I forgot about mean things people have said. (P5 pupil)
I enjoyed the rope where you have to untie the knots that show your feelings, it was like talking to someone with the same feelings. (P7 pupil)
All Prayer Space activities are in line with the RE Curriculum and pupils are given the opportunity to use the activities as prayer or just activities that are helpful for things such as mindfulness and wellbeing.
The Prayer Space in Knocknagoney was such a positive experience that the school have asked for it to happen again and plans are in place for another Prayer Space in the school before Easter.
With thanks to Andrew Frame, Commissioned Parish Worker for Knocknagoney
Visit the Prayer Spaces in Schools website HERE.