The year ahead in the diocese
As we enter 2023 Bishop David says: “Our focus as a diocese is putting deep roots into God’s word, so that together we grow strong disciples and healthy churches, churches whose reach is wide so that communities are transformed, and our churches thrive.”
Pray with us
Please pray for all in our parishes, especially those who serve in any way alongside clergy and staff, that together we will lean into all that God calls us to be and to become.
Pray that we will prioritise putting our resources, time, talents, and finances into reaching many for Christ, and that we will faithfully pass on the faith to the next generation.
Please pray for the selection, training and equipping of people for ministry in our parishes, the church at large and in society.
Please pray for the health and wellbeing of clergy and clergy families.
Pray that our diocesan events in 2023 will be used by God to strengthen and grow His church and serve to give God great glory. Pray especially for our SOMA teams in parishes during the first two weeks in June and also pray for four weeks of outreach with events in every Area Deanery during the month of September. This will follow the Diocesan Bible Week and be led by our speaker, the Revd Greg Downes.
Please pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring renewal to His church and the equipping of the church to make many more disciples for Christ.