• 03 February 2023

Youth Ministry Uncovered – Holywood

Angela Megarry has been working in Holywood Parish for the last five years. She’s spent three of those as the Kids and Family Worker with Youth also becoming her responsibility for the last two years. We asked Angela three quickfire questions about youth ministry in Holywood:

What programmes do you run for the young people in the parish?

On Tuesday evenings we have two groups that run fortnightly: Roots is for Year 8 and upwards. We meet for games and prayer and short discussions on a question that the young people have asked us at the beginning of the year. We also run two Rooted groups for Year 11 and upwards, one for girls and one for boys. We look at Bible characters or take a book and read it together. Recently the boys read and discussed The Man You’re Made to Be by Martin Saunders. The photo above is of some of our young people on a mission we did in St John’s, Newcastle.

What’s your most recent initiative?

The Sunday evening informal service has become a Youth Service through which we have been encouraging our young people to serve and lead. It’s a work in progress. For example, one Sunday a month we ask Christians who serve in different ministries to come and inspire the youth with things that they might get involved in now or the future eg. Street Pastors, CAP, Prison Ministry, Foodbanks etc. I’m so proud of the youth in this church, who absolutely serve with everything they have. They’re extraordinary!

How can we in the diocese pray for you and your work?
  • Pray for deep rooted faith in the young people that I work with.

  • Pray for those that have walked away after Confirmation.

  • Pray for me, that I will stay steady and firm in the work.

  • Pray for new outreach to happen.

  • Pray for young and old (including me) to be truly excited about serving and outreach.

Find out more by following Holywood Parish Youth on Instagram HERE.