• 17 February 2023

Youth Ministry Uncovered – Magheralin

This week we hear from Richard Lyttle who for almost five years has been the Youth Outreach Coordinator in Magheralin Parish. Richard works across the villages of Magheralin and Dollingstown.

What programmes do you run for young people in the parish?

Throughout the week we run a few different things, some of which have been ongoing, others of which are new.

We have our classic youth fellowship night on Sunday nights during the evening service (6.15–7.45pm). This involves teaching, discussion, praise, games and casual chats. At the moment we’re making our way through the book of Colossians and thinking about what it means to live lives rooted and grounded in Christ. 

Some new initiatives that we have started include the P7 Club and Drop–in on a Tuesday afternoon. P7 Club started after I made connections with local schools. After school I walk round and collect P7s and bring them back across for some cake, a quiz from a catechism, a bible story and some games.

We run a Wednesday night bible study for teenagers aged 11–14 and 15–18 as well as another Drop–in in Dollingstown.

On Friday nights we have started a Kids club for P5–P7s and have been going through the Gospel Project with them. We have also been part of a new initiative with local church of Ireland Churches in running a youth programme called Merge. This seeks to bring young people together to provide another opportunity to hear from God’s Word and support one another in living for Christ.

How can we pray for you?

As you read this, please do consider praying that we would be strengthened in the grace and knowledge of Christ, and that young people in the village would come to know the grace of Jesus Christ.

Find out more through the Magheralin and Dollingstown Youth Page on Facebook HERE.