• 10 February 2023

Youth Ministry Uncovered – Saintfield

Rose Armstrong is the Youth Worker in Saintfield Parish Church, working alongside the Vicar, Revd Chris Pollock, and a small staff team. She has been in the role for around six months now and so far has been loving it. “It is such a privilege to work and serve alongside such amazing people who make my role so much easier.” 

We asked Rose (pictured above hard at work) three quickfire questions about youth ministry in Saintfield:

What programmes do you run for the young people in the parish?

In the day to day, we’ve been working at getting everything up and running as the church as a whole. We’ve been working on our youth fellowship on a Sunday evening as well as our family service on a Sunday morning. We’re making some in–roads into creative teaching and investing well in those who are coming along, both to the Sunday morning and evening activities. I’m working on building intentional relationships with those who are involved as we try to evolve the discipleship aspect of church life. This is the plan for the next few months to expand and grow this newer level of ministry. 

What’s your most recent initiative?

We’re running a youth fellowship on a Sunday night for those who are secondary school age. Each night consists of the expected fun and food as well as faith. At the minute we are going through a series of big questions such as ‘Who is God?’ and ‘has science disproved the Bible?’. These sessions have been extremely interesting, and the young people never fail to challenge us with their follow up questions. 

It is so clear to see that God is working through this youth group and even how it has changed since the start of the year. God is clearly at work in their lives, and we have been witnessing this through the conversations that we have been having with them each week. Some of our young people have been great in helping with teas and coffees at special events and really getting involved in our church community.

How can we in the diocese pray for you and your work?

If you could pray for our leaders and young people it would be so appreciated:

  • Pray that our young people would come along to youth with a willing heart, ready to discuss and learn more about God.

  • Pray that there is an openness and willingness to have discussions as we are aiming to create a safe space for relational conversations and discipleship to happen.

  • Pray that in everything we are doing, we keep God at the centre, knowing that everything we do is for Him, and to further His kingdom. 

Youth Fellowship runs on Sunday evenings from 7–8.30pm. Find out more through the Saintfield Parish Youth Page on Facebook HERE.