• 03 March 2023

Youth Ministry Uncovered – Moneyreagh

This Friday we meet Phoebe Matthews, the Youth + Kids Worker at Moneyreagh Community Church. Phoebe has officially held the role since September 2022 but has been working as an intern in Moneyreagh for the last 2 years. She’s doing a wonderful mix of work both in church and in local schools.

What initiatives have you started since coming into the role?

Since working here I’ve changed the structure of a few of our programs, like initiating girls’ and boys’ nights, and creating an end of the month crossover between Kids Church and our outreach Kids Club. I also run a lot of schools’ ministries and have started a small group mental health and pastoral care program for our local high school.

What are you running on Sunday evenings and during week for young people?

During the week we’re in various schools taking assemblies and SU groups. On Friday nights we have a Kids Club and Youth Club that are outreach–focused and full of fun. On Sunday mornings our kids’ program is Kids Church during the service and we have a Youth Fellowship group in the evening called Build.

How can we in the diocese pray for you and your work?
  • Please pray that all the young people and children from the community who regularly come to our Friday night programs will engage with our faith–based programs.

  • Pray that more people will be drawn to and consistently stay at our Youth Fellowship and come to our summer events.

Follow Moneyreagh Kids + Youth on Instagram HERE.