• 14 April 2023

A conversation about Pioneering

Some of the Church of Ireland’s Pioneer Ministry team recently took part in a  panel discussion about all things pioneering.

Revd Rob Jones (Rector of Holy Trinity, Rathmines and National Director of Pioneer Ministry) and the Ven Barry Forde (Archdeacon of Belfast and Operations Lead for Pioneer Ministry), were joined by the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Revd Andrew John, the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s former Missioner and Fresh Expressions Team Lead in the Church of England, Canon Phil Potter. 

Both archbishops shared their vision and hopes for new life in Wales and Ireland, whilst Phil shared some stories and his experience of pioneering across the Anglican Communion. 

Revd Rebecca Hamilton, Curate Assistant in Holy Trinity Rathmines, guided the discussion.