• 17 April 2023

First Aid Training Course

There are a few places left on our First Aid Training Course taking place in St Mary’s, Ballybeen, on Saturday 22 April between 9.00am and 5.00pm.

This course will be delivered by R.E.C First Aid Trainers who will teach the ‘ Emergency First Aid at Work & A.E.D (defibrillator) Course (HSE NI compliant content)’. It will gain you an Emergency First Aid Certificate at Work (1 day) HSE NI compliant that is valid for 3 years. 

The course is ideally suited for those who work in a church ministry context with children, youth or adults. This is a practical skills training course and candidates will be taught practical first aid skills requiring their full involvement. Where applicable, partner work will be undertaken. Candidates must be present for the entire day.

The course includes full training in CPR and the use of an AED. We will also deliver Paediatric CPR/ AED and choking skills drills.

No previous first aid experience is required; however the willingness to participate fully is required. Candidates must be present for the entire course.

COST: £65 payable on the day. Lunch and tea/coffee will be provided.

Book your place via Eventbrite HERE.

For more information, please contact Andrew Brannigan at andrew@downanddromore.org or call 07950 84662.

(An identical course will run on Saturday 20 May in Rathfriland. CLICK HERE)