• 04 April 2023

Good Friday service with Dr David Bruce

Those from all traditions are invited to join Dr David Bruce, past Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, as he considers the Seven Final Sayings of Jesus, spoken from the cross within this three–hour service at Belfast Cathedral.

Held from 12 noon to 3.00pm on Good Friday 7 April, you may wish to stay for the full three hours. Or to join us for one of the three hours, or to slip in for a few minutes on this day when we relive the passion of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

As in previous years we shall be joined during the middle hour, from 1–2pm, by members of the cathedral’s Past Choristers Association, those who represent previous generations of our cathedral’s choristers who will lead us in our singing.

As all are invited, we hope that many will make this a part of their Good Friday 2023.