• 23 May 2023

70th Anniversary for St Patrick’s Millisle

St Patrick’s Millisle has celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a special Service of Thanksgiving on Sunday 14 May.

The service was attended by many guests in addition to the regular congregation, including previous incumbent, the Ven Roderic West, and his wife Joan. Archdeacon West gave the address, and the music was led by James and Elise Turner.

Mr Catelin Dieaconu from the charity Barnabas Aid was also a special guest. As part of saying thank you for 70 years of worship in St Patrick’s, the congregation are looking beyond themselves to Christians who are persecuted and in need. Through Barnabas Aid, they are putting together 70 boxes of ‘Food.Gives’ which will go to an international Christian foodbank.

Refreshments followed the service and the rector, Revd Colin Davis, Archdeacon West and Catelin Dieaconu cut a special anniversary cake.

Pictured top L–R: Colin Williamson (Rector’s Warden), Joan West, Ven. Roderic West, Canon John Boley, Rev Colin Davis, Kath Davis, Mrs Kathleen Conway, Catelin Dieaconu (Barnabas Aid), Steven Miller (People’s Warden).

 Photocredits Newtownards Chronicle