• 24 August 2023

Kilbroney Camps make a big impact

Our Kilbroney Adventure Camps have finished for another year. We had a really great three weeks with loads to be encouraged about and lots of things to build on.

There was a real atmosphere of spiritual growth and faith development and whenever we were together you could really sense that God was with us as we opened his word and heard what the bible had to say. Some young people came to faith and others were asking really potent questions about how they could grow as Christians and how to sustain that desire when camp was over. 

Three youth workers from the diocese gave the talks on the theme The Stories that Jesus Told – Richard Lyttle from Magheralin (Senior), David Timothy from Donaghadee (Middle), and I shared the teaching at Junior Camp with Ava Jordan–Curasi (Seapatrick). We looked together at four parables in Matthew’s Gospel – The Wise and Foolish Builders, The Sower, The Unforgiving Servant and the Parable of the Talents. I’m also very grateful to the worship leaders who came down to lead us as we sang songs of praise and worship to God. 

Another big part of camp is the adventure activities, and they were a great success. A big thank you to Matt Peach and LOGIC Moira who delivered them and made sure everyone was safe. A huge thanks to Jan Peach and all at the Kilbroney Centre who ensured we had a fantastic stay.  

Over the three weeks we had about 31 different leaders with lots of younger leaders in their late teens and early 20s. It was wonderful to see them stepping into leadership and we’re keen to help them develop further with programmes like SERVE.

With 115 campers and 31 volunteer leaders involved, the Kilbroney Adventure Camps were very significant for a large number of young people. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and to the parents who supported their children in coming along.

We look forward to the camps returning in 2024 with dates to be announced in the near future. 

Josh Thornbury, Diocesan Youth Development Officer