• 11 August 2023

Prayer for our police service

In light of the recent serious data breach, Bishop David has asked our parishes to pray, this weekend and next, for the safety of the PSNI. 

We commend the prayer below written by Revd Adrian Dorrian, Vicar in the Lecale Area Mission Partnership. 

Eternal God, Judge of all:

Be present at this time, we pray,

with those who serve in and alongside the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

Grant them your safety and protection; and deliver them from danger.

In the exercise of their duties and responsibilities,

pour into each one the gifts of wisdom, humility and peace

and by your Holy Spirit sustain and strengthen them to serve our community.

Hear our prayer, O Lord of justice,

and grant this our intercession for the sake of your Son,

our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.