• 11 September 2023

Andrew Frame is ordained (OLM) deacon

Congratulations to Revd Andrew Frame who has been ordained (OLM) deacon for continued ministry in the Parish of Knocknagoney. 

Bishop David ordained Andrew at a service in Knocknagoney Church on Sunday 10 September. The address was given by the Ven Ken Higgins, Archdeacon of Down. 

Andrew’s journey to ordination 

I became a Christian in 1995 and have been involved in full–time or employed ministry for 22 years now.

Most of my ministry has been in the context of the local church. I began in youth and children’s ministry but over the course of time developed to working with young adults and then the wider church.

For a number of years, I worked as an assistant to the lead minister but 8 or 9 years ago began to sense a call towards church leadership. I prayed about this and sought advice and input from others and this all confirmed my sense of calling. Nearly 3 years ago I took on the role of leading Knocknagoney Parish Church.

We have loved becoming part of the church family at Knocknagoney – they are an incredibly warm and welcoming bunch! I have also enjoyed opportunities to become part of the local community through things such as the local Primary School and an Area Forum. 

We have seen God building his church as new people have joined, members have grown in faith and developed in ministry. We are excited for the coming months and years as we believe God will continue to build his church in Knocknagoney and that we will see many come to faith in Him!