• 03 September 2023

Revd Ross Munro is ordained (OLM) presbyter

Congratulations to Revd Ross Munro who has been ordained presbyter (OLM) for his continuing ministry in The Gathering (Parish of Titanic), Belfast.

Bishop David ordained Ross along with James Crockett at a service in St Saviour’s, Dollingstown, on Sunday 3 September. The preacher was Revd Greg Downes, director of Kingfisher Ministries and Theologian & Missioner of St Mary’s Cogges near Oxford. Greg spoke on John 20: 19–23, Called to an Apostolic Ministry.

Ross reflects on his deacon year

It’s hard to believe as I write this almost a year has passed since I was ordained a deacon in Down and Dromore Diocese. The experience of stepping into ordained ministry in Christ’s church I think only really hit me as I knelt with Bishop David and my good friend James at the front of St John’s Orangefield last year and we sang those spine–tingling words from the worship song, ‘Jesus all for Jesus’ by Robin Mark. “All of my ambitions, hopes and plans I surrender these into your hands.” In those moments, surrounded by friends, family members, and clerical colleagues, I really did feel I was being commissioned for the role I’ve been called to and with tears streaming down my face I humbly accepted His invitation to join Him on mission.

In many ways on the surface my role at The Gathering Church Plant hasn’t changed a great deal. I’ve continued to experience the freedom that our diocese offers to those with the pioneering gifting and the apostolic heart for church planting. We’ve continued to try and provide a warm and welcoming environment for all who grace our doors, which has led to new faces regularly attending our variety of worshipping experiences. The area where I feel my year as a deacon has developed most, is in the areas of church governance and how the Church of Ireland operates as an institution.

In many ways it feels like as the church plant at The Gathering has matured and become more established, I too have grown that little bit more in my understanding and dependency on the One who’s called me into this role. It has been an honour and privilege to serve my deacon year in this special diocese and I look forward to serving as a presbyter for what I hope will be many years to come.
