• 27 September 2023

The Suitcase Project – Thank you

We are very grateful to all those who gave generously during the Diocesan Bible Week to support the new diocesan outreach to asylum seekers and refugees – The Suitcase Project.

Altogether, cash, cheque and online donations amounted to £4,600.

We are really excited that Tim Burns has been appointed as the Outreach Leader for The Suitcase Project and will be commencing in his new role on 1 October 2023. We are also very grateful to Willowfield Parish Select Vestry for their permission to us Emmanuel Hall on Roslyn Street in East Belfast as a hub for this new outreach. We look forward to providing updates through the website and Church Planting Newsletters on the progress of The Suitcase Project.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to make a donation to The Suitcase Project during Bible Week, you can do this via our Charities Aid Foundation webpage https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/21415#!/DonationDetails

Tim will be commissioned at a service on Sunday 8 October at 7.00pm in St John’s Orangefield. Please pray for him as he prepares to lead this new outreach.