• 30 October 2023

A fantastic weekend in Kilbroney

Sixty–three young people from the diocese are just back from a fantastic weekend in the Kilbroney Centre with DDYC.

Led by our Diocesan Youth Officer, Josh Thornbury, with the help of a wonderful team of leaders, the weekend was a mix of faith building and fun, looking at what the Bible says about our identity and how Jesus changes everything when it comes to that.

These couple of days away are part of the diocese’s objective to support the faith of young people and their families. We want to grow young people in their faith through Bible study, devotions, worship and fellowship but we also aim to teach and develop leadership skills, encourage teamwork, build self–esteem, regard for others and friendship.

That’s where the activity programme comes in and we’re pleased to say that despite the weather, our young people did manage to get out into the forest and complete some challenges!

Thank you to everyone who made the weekend such a success and to the youth leaders in our churches who brought their groups along.