• 01 October 2023

Appointment of new Archdeacons

I’m delighted to announce that Canon Mark Harvey has accepted my invitation to become the next Archdeacon of Dromore and Revd Jim Cheshire to become the next Archdeacon of Down. These appointments come into effect from today, 1st October 2023. 

The role of an archdeacon is often demanding as they ‘aid and assist the bishop in the bishop’s pastoral care and office’. Both archdeacons will be released from parish ministry for two days each week to carry out diocesan work.

In his role as archdeacon, Canon Mark Harvey will have a specific brief which will be to assist me in enabling parishes that have been on a trajectory of decline to be rejuvenated, and to transition from decline to growth. Mark has considerable experience in growing churches and has worked in different parish settings – inner city, urban and rural. He is ably equipped to help the diocese with this essential focus in these days when Christendom is in decline in our western culture.

Revd Jim Cheshire in his role as archdeacon will assist me in matters specific to enabling evangelism and outreach to become embedded in our parochial and diocesan life. I want our parishes and church plants to regularly see people of all ages come to Christ and be added to his church. Jim brings to this task years of expertise and a proven track record as an evangelist. He has led the parish of St Mary’s, Ballybeen, into new and very effective outreach initiatives and the church is growing as people from outside come to Christ in saving faith.

I commend both Jim and Mark to your prayers as they assume their new responsibilities.

Bishop David


Archdeacon of Down, The Ven Jim Cheshire

Originally from the United States, Jim experienced God’s call on his life for ministry as a teen growing up in Florida. Following his undergraduate education at the University of Florida, Jim gained his Master of Divinity degree from Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts. In 1999, Jim married Diane, who is from Coleraine, and moved to Northern Ireland where they set up home together. Since then, Jim has ministered pastorally in a variety of denominational contexts, first in Bangor and then East Belfast before being called to serve as Leader of Discipleship for Holywood Parish in 2009. “It was while I was in Holywood that, to my surprise, I found my heart ‘strangely warmed’ and opened to a future in the Church of Ireland in a way I had not expected but could not avoid.” Following his ordination in 2014, Jim served his curacy in Bangor Parish before being instituted as the Rector of Ballybeen in 2018. During the course of his ministry he has also served as an OLM Tutor, on Diocesan Council, as a member of General Synod, and on Standing Committee.  “Having served my whole ordained ministry in the Diocese of Down, and having known Bishop David for most of that time, I was delightfully surprised to be asked but deeply honoured to accept his invitation to be the next Archdeacon of Down. I’ve always respected Bishop David for his godly leadership, and I share his passion for Spirit–led mission and ministry and for seeing transformation and renewal in the lives of people, parishes, the diocese and our land through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I look forward to assisting him in seeing his vision for the diocese become an increasing reality.” Jim and Diane have two adult children, Eva and Ethan. In his spare time Jim enjoys going for walks with Diane, reading a good book, listening to music, drinking coffee and going to the gym. Archdeacon of Dromore, The Ven Mark Harvey Mark, who is originally from Belfast, grew up in a rectory. First sensing a call to ministry at the age of 17, he was ordained in 1993 for the curacy of St Columba’s, Portadown in Armagh diocese, and from 1996–2001 was rector of Monaghan in the diocese of Clogher. He spent four years on the staff of CMS Ireland, and in 2005 became rector of St Mary’s, Ballybeen. He was instituted as rector of Shankill, Lurgan, in June 2017. Mark has served the diocese as Director of Ordinands, as a Clerical Honorary Secretary of Diocesan Council, and as Area Dean of Loughview. He has also been a member of both Diocesan Council and General Synod for over 20 years. He is married to Joanne, and they have one daughter, Lydia. Prior to ordination, he worked as a primary school teacher in Bangor. “I am both humbled and delighted to accept Bishop David’s invitation to become Archdeacon of Dromore. We have known each other well for 25 years and we have worked closely at both parochial and diocesan level. I am excited to assist him, along with the Archdeacon of Down and the diocesan team, in fulfilling God’s call on us to be a missional church in our generation. It will be an immense privilege and challenge to help enable our parishes to respond to the bishop’s vision of discipleship, leadership, and apostleship in their own context, and to seeing vibrant local churches reaching their communities with the life–changing Gospel of Christ throughout our diocese.”