• 05 October 2023

New leadership opportunity for young people aged 17–21

We are thrilled to announce Forge: Leaders in Training, a new leadership opportunity for young people aged 17–21. The programme aims to grow the faith and skills of young leaders who volunteer regularly in youth and/or children’s ministry. 

Forge: L.I.T. is designed to grow ministry leadership in a flexible way to complement  existing commitments to work and study. Aimed at young adults aged 17–21, the programme will begin in November 2023 and finish in July 2024 with an overseas mission team. The closing date for applications is Friday 27 October at 12 noon. What is FORGE LIT?Forge: L.I.T has 5 main elements specifically designed to improve your leadership skills and experience and strengthen your faith: 1. Church placement 2. Extended leadership placement 3. Training 4. Discipleship 5. Overseas mission Who can apply?The programme is open to all young adults in the diocese aged 17–21 who are currently helping in leadership in a parish church or ministry in Down and Dromore. Spaces are limited to 10 and awarded after application and an informal interview. How much will it cost?The programme is free to successful applicants except for the overseas mission team which will have a bursary provided. We anticipate that this team will cost participants approximately £100 per person. How do I apply?To apply please complete an application form and return it by 12 noon on 27 October.  Application forms can be found at THIS LINK or email our FORGE Coordinator Janine Armstrong: janine@downanddromore.org. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A BOOKLET WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW