• 03 October 2023

Revd Robert Smyth is introduced in Tullylish

Congratulations to Revd Robert Smyth who has been introduced as Minister–in–Charge of the Parish of Tullylish. Robert is no stranger to the parish having for the last 20 months provided Sunday cover during the rector’s illness and subsequent retirement.

The rector of St Elizabeth’s Dundonald, Revd Tim Anderson, gave the address at the service which took place in All Saints on Tuesday evening, 3 October.

Speaking of his new role, Robert said:

“I am humbled and honoured to become minister–in–charge for Tullylish, a parish we have come to consider our spiritual home. By God’s grace, we will continue to preach and teach faithfully all that Christ has commanded us, strive to make His name known to all by making disciples and lovingly pastor all of His people.”

We wish Robert and his wife Pam every blessing in their ministry.