• 23 October 2023

Tributes to Bishop Gordon McMullan

Bishop David has paid tribute to the Rt Revd Gordon McMullan, former Bishop of Down and Dromore, who died at the age of 89 on Sunday 15 October. The funeral took place earlier today. 

Further tributes may be found on the Church of Ireland website HERE.

“”Bishop Gordon McMullan served as bishop in the Dioceses of Down and Dromore from 1986 to 1997. Prior to his election as Bishop of Clogher in 1980, Bishop Gordon served all of his ministry in the Diocese of Down having grown up in the Parish of Willowfield. To this day he is remembered in Willowfield for his skills as a footballer and indeed might well have had a career in football had he not chosen the path of ordination. 

“Bishop Gordon once said to me that the Church of Ireland was a pastoral church and this was something I should never forget. He lived this out in how he loved and cared for his clergy particularly at times of illness bereavement or any other sort of trouble. I personally experienced his pastoral care firsthand and his love and support during what were for me dark and difficult days, this is something I will never forget and will always be thankful for.

“Bishop Gordon also led the diocese during what was then known as the ‘Decade of Evangelism’, and his leadership in this laid very good foundations in many parishes. Along with his wife Kathleen, Bishop Gordon always ensured that the See House was always a place of welcome, warmth, care and generosity. I would like to extend my personal sympathy to Bishop Gordon’s sons, Stephen and Philip, their families and the wider family circle.”

I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.  John 11:25,26

+David Down and Dromore

23 October 2023