• 27 October 2023

Youth Work Manager, Seagoe Youth Group

Seagoe Youth Group is the umbrella organisation that coordinates youth work in Seagoe Parish. It has been delivering high–quality youth work programmes across three sites in the Seagoe and Killicomaine areas of Portadown for over thirty years, and is funded mainly by the Education Authority to be a full–time youth work provider.  The Department of Education has awarded us a grant to replace our current buildings at Killicomaine with a purpose–built Youth Centre and we are hopeful that building work will commence soon.

The wide range of activities on offer at Seagoe Youth Group attracts a large number of young people and we are delighted to have seen many of them develop over the yearsgaining life skills and continuing into leadership roles. Activities include a variety of open youth club evenings, after schools clubs, Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade, Youth Fellowship etc.

Youth Work Manager

We are looking for an enthusiastic person to appoint as Youth Work Manager of the Group. The Manager will support our young members and lead a team of part–time staff and volunteers. They will be supported in their leadership role by a management committee which combines trustees and representatives of the uniformed and non–uniformed organisations.   

Some of our activities can be viewed at THIS LINK

The Church Lads’ Brigade has its own page HERE.

An application pack can be requested from office@seagoeyouthgroup.co.uk

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: Thursday 23 November at noon.

Further information is available from Terence Cadden, Rector of Seagoe Parish (07894987702).