• 28 November 2023

FORGE Leaders in Training is underway

FORGE Leaders in Training, a new discipleship and leadership formation programme for young people aged 17–21, is underway with five participants and the opportunity for more to join.

In our first session earlier this month the group explored biblical leadership, learning from the highs and lows of King David. They discovered more about their personal and unique approach to leadership as Ava Jordon–Cursai (Seapatrick Parish) steered the group through an in–depth look at their personality types and how that affects their management.

We had a lot of fun as the young leaders put their learning into practice through team building activities, and, of course, shared a lot of delicious food! To end the day, the LITs joined with other young adults from across the diocese at Foundations for an evening of great teaching and worship. 

FORGE Leaders in Training is a new initiative made possible with the generous support of Benefact Trust. Forge LIT aims to encourage and support young leaders to grow in confidence in their leadership and faith. 

Programmes like this are vital to engage with and champion the next generation of leaders in our Church. Without intentional and immediate investment into younger generations, the outlook for our parishes is bleak. You can support this ministry by identifying potential young leaders in your congregation and encouraging them to connect with FORGE programmes.

Please join us in our commitment to pray for and develop younger generations – the future of our Church.

Janine Armstrong, FORGE Coordinator janine@downanddromore.org or phone 075 9252 9285

Find out more

FORGE Leaders in Training 

FORGE Ministry Apprenticeship Scheme