• 30 December 2023

Double honours for Roderic and Joan

Congratulations to the former Archdeacon of Dromore and his wife Joan who have both been awarded British Empire Medals (BEM) in the New Year’s Honours List.

The awards are for services to the community in County Down.

Roderic recently retired as Rector of Seapatrick, Banbridge, following 37 years of ministry in Down and Dromore. Throughout this time, Joan, his wife of 44 years and a retired nurse, has served by his side.

The couple spent 17 years in St John’s Parish, Moira, where they set up the Moira Friendship Group for the over–50s and the LOGIC Café for youth in the village. Both projects are still going strong.

When the village was bombed in 1998 the St John’s Parish Centre rose from the ashes and remains an important community hub.

Joan was also the Community Nurse and worked part–time out of Moira Surgery whilst Roderic was on the Primary School Board of Governors.

In Banbridge Parish, Roderic and Joan were involved in helping to support families during the Covid–19 pandemic, including providing meals for those who were struggling and setting up a free baby clothing and school uniform shop.

“It has been a privilege and honour to serve the churches and communities where God has placed us and to grasp the many opportunities we’ve had to proclaim and demonstrate the good news of the kingdom of God,” said Roderic.

The couple were featured on the BBC News NI website where they spoke of their surprise at being honoured.

“It was just so amazing that somebody would think we were worthy of it,” Joan said.

“I’m very humbled but I’m accepting it with pleasure on behalf of all those who have volunteered alongside us in all the various initiatives in the community.”

Roderic said the pair had “worked very much as a team over the years” and was also keen to acknowledge those who had helped and supported them.

“While it’s an honour for us, we do really appreciate all the people who’ve worked with us over time and acknowledge their contribution and effort,” he added.