• 11 December 2023

Evangelists commissioned in Castlewellan

Bishop David has commissioned Trevor and Lorraine Brimage for their work as Family and Community Evangelists for St Paul’s Castlewellan and Kilcoo.

Trevor and Lorraine, who have been in post for almost a month, are tasked with developing and supporting a family and community outreach strategy for the parish. They are working alongside Minister in charge, Revd Pat Kerr, to reach those in Castlewellan and Bryansford who have no church connection or who have become disconnected from church. 

The couple are from Co Monaghan and have a background in youth work, worship and church planting. They are job–sharing one post which has been generously funded by a donor.

Pictured above at the commissioning service on Sunday 10 December: Bishop David, Lorraine and Trevor Brimage and Revd Pat Kerr, Minister in charge.