• 04 December 2023

Senior community members join Advent service

It was a great delight to welcome senior members of our local community to read the lessons in St Columba’s for our candlelit Advent Carol Service on Sunday 3 December.   

An important part of our parish ministry and outreach is reflected in our involvement in our local schools, the Fire Service and the Police Headquarters at Brooklyn which is situated within our parish boundaries.

Special guests included PSNI Chief Constable, Jon Boucher, Group Commander David McComiskey (NIFRS), Robert Robinson, Headmaster of Campbell College, Olwen McIIroy, Principal of Belmont Primary School, Nicola Connery, Principal of Strathearn School, and Gary Greer, Principal of Bloomfield Collegiate School.

It was most encouraging to welcome so many people to the service with such inspirational music and powerful bible readings at the beginning of Advent. The collection was allocated to the NI Children’s Hospice.

Canon John AuchmutyRector, St Columba’s Knock

Pictured L– R: Robert Robinson, Group Commander David McComiskey, Chief Constable Jon Boucher, Canon John Auchmuty, Olwen McIlroy, Nicola Connery, Gary Greer and Dr Joe McKee, Parish Organist & Choral Director.