• 19 January 2024

New series looking at issues we face today

Bishop David has recorded a new series of short talks addressing some of the issues facing society today. The films have been made as a response to some of the many questions the bishop and other leaders are asked in the course of their ministries.

As well as an introduction and a conclusion the series will address 15 topics:

  • Assisted Suicide

  • Abortion

  • Gender Identity

  • Same–Sex Marriage

  • Divorce

  • Unity

  • Slavery

  • Prostitution

  • Pornography

  • Ageism

  • Racism

  • Gambling

  • Greed

  • Secret Societies

  • Fake News

Bishop David says:

“I am aware that not everyone will agree with my conclusions, but these are the conclusions at which I have arrived having looked at the Scriptures and having thought through these issues over a lifetime of ministry.

“I don’t pretend that what I’ll have to say on these topics will cover everything that needs to be said – far from it – but I do hope that what I do say will strengthen faith and strengthen our commitment to be faithful to the Lordship of Christ; to live under the authority of his Word and to be part of a church – and part of Christian communities – that serve society well in these days.”

We will air the series introduction on Monday 22 January and conclude on Wednesday 7 February. The films will be available daily on our website, YouTube channel and Facebook page.