• 25 January 2024

Tribute to Mary Munyangaju: 1964–2023

Mary Charlotte Munyangaju, (60) died on Christmas morning at Medanta Hospital in India after a long battle with cancer. Mary was co–founder with her husband Jerome of the charity Bird of Paradise Ministries (BPMR) – a ministry to elderly, homeless people in Kigali, Rwanda. 

Mary was totally dedicated to this ministry and, with Jerome, opened their home in Kigali as the first residence for the charity. Before moving to take responsibility for the Charity in Rwanda, Mary and Jerome lived and ministered in N. Ireland for many years. In 1995 Jerome was appointed by the Church of Ireland Board of Overseas Mission as a Mission Resource person for a period of three years. Initially based in Knockbreda Parish, Jerome served a curacy in Bangor Abbey, before being appointed as Rector of Killyleagh Parish where he ministered for 15 years.

It was during their time in Killyleagh that Mary’s vision for the elderly orphans in Kigali began to take root. She opened a charity shop in Downpatrick to begin fundraising and (BPMR) was born.

Mary was greatly loved by all who knew her. She cared for everyone and ministered to their needs, always available to pray and encourage. During her illness, spent mostly in India with Jerome at her side, she continued to praise God for all that he had done for her and believed that her future was secure in His hands. 

Mary’s friends and supporters had been praying for a miracle, wanting so much for her to be healed and remain with us, but her suffering has ended and she now rejoices in the presence of the Saviour whom she loved, healed and whole.

On Christmas Day Jerome wrote:

“It’s with sadness that I let you and friends know of the death of Mary, at the same time comforted by the knowledge that she is with her Saviour Jesus, whom she loved and served.  Mary will be missed more than words can describe”.

Revd Bobbie Moore, Mission Director, travelled to Kigali to represent the BPMR family at Mary’s Funeral Service held on Friday, 5th January 2024. During the Service Bobbie had the opportunity to bring greetings from Jerome and Mary’s second home here in Ireland.

Mary is survived by her husband Jerome, their children Nziza with Ashten, Vera and Jo Grace, grandchildren Jacob and Amelia. She will be dearly missed by her many friends and all who knew her.

A service of thanksgiving and celebration for Mary’s life and ministry will be held later in the year. Details will be circulated in due course.

With thanks to Revd Bobbi Moore

BPMR:NI Charity Ref: NIC106123