• 14 February 2024

Join the Down Cathedral Volunteer Team

We are very blessed with a dedicated Cathedral staff and superb volunteers who help with everything from welcoming tourists to staffing the shop. We are, however, always looking to expand our team.

With tens of thousands of visitors each year, we are looking for people who would be interested in joining our amazing volunteer team. It can be once a week, bi–weekly or a morning per week. Whatever fits with your circumstances, we would love to hear from you.

Please prayerfully consider joining us as we start to welcome people from all corners of the world this Spring. 

Down Cathedral belongs to our whole diocese and community and we would be delighted to have a conversation with potential volunteers from beyond our own Parish Group.

If you are interested, please contact us at info@downcathedral.org

You will be invited to have a conversation with one of our clergy team. Volunteers will be asked to undertake an Access NI disclosure.

We look forward to hearing from you.