• 14 February 2024

Stephen celebrates 30 years as organist in Newtownards

Warmest congratulations to Mr Stephen Shaw who has just celebrated 30 years as Director of Music in St Mark’s Newtownards. 

“We were delighted to mark Stephen’s 30 years as Director of Music at St Mark’s on Sunday past,” said Revd Peter Hilton, Curate Assistant. “He has been a dedicated servant to the Parish, and we are grateful to God for his faithful and fruitful ministry in St Mark’s. I have enjoyed working with and getting to know Stephen over the past few years, and pray for God’s continued favour, guidance, blessing and strength on Stephen, Maxine and their family.”

Prior to coming to St Mark’s Stephen was, respectively, organist in Killinchy Parish Church, St Mary’s Parish Church, Belfast, and Assistant Organist at Down Cathedral. 

“I first encountered the pipe organ as a pupil at Methodist College. Belfast,” says Stephen. “I’ve always been thankful for the skill and dedication of my organ tutor, Mr Garry Rodway, and I began to play regularly in church from the age of seventeen, in 1976. 

“When I was appointed Director of Music in St Mark’s in 1994, I little thought that I would still be here thirty years later. However, St Mark’s wove itself into our family life: my wife sings in the choir, and my parents’ funeral services, our son and daughter–in–law’s wedding and our grandson’s baptism have all taken place here.

“In addition, I have been fortunate indeed to work with very supportive clergy, a dedicated loyal choir and to play an instrument of real quality so the notion of moving somewhere else has never been a consideration. It has been a very real privilege to play some small part in the life of our vibrant parish and I look forward to continuing in the role for the foreseeable future.”