• 06 March 2024

DDYC Youth Weekend back with a bang

After the disappointment of a cancellation in 2023 due to snow, DDYC’s annual Castlewellan Weekend returned with a bang in early March.

It was the biggest weekend in a number of years, with 139 young people in attendance, plus 18 young leaders and 20 youth workers, bringing the total to 177 people in the castle from 15 parishes! 

We had a full day of activity on Saturday, with wall climbing, laser tag, sports and team challenges which were a real opportunity for fun, connecting with others and getting to run around. Saturday evening finished with a campfire. 

The weather was very kind to us over the weekend and everyone went home on Sunday afternoon wishing they could have stayed longer.  

Danny Roberts, from Logos Ministries International (LMI) was our speaker for the weekend. He looked at four different individuals and how their lives changed as a result of an encounter with Jesus – Philemon, Legion, the woman at the wheel and the Good Samaritan parable. 

Danny challenged our young people to be those who share their faith with others, and those who are not yet Christians were challenged to reflect on the impact that Jesus has had on the lives of those around them and in these bible passages. A number of young people on Sunday morning expressed their desire to either follow Jesus for the first time, or to recommit themselves to the life to which Jesus is calling all of us. 

Josh Thornbury
Diocesan Youth Officer