• 09 April 2024

A call to evangelicals

In a society of continual change, the call to evangelical Christians remains constant; to make disciples, baptise believers and teach the truth revealed through scripture. The challenges to the church are great but the power and life of Jesus are all-surpassing. 

The First Things gathering 2024 is aimed at all those in the Church of Ireland who have a heart for this call to baptise, disciple and be rooted in biblical truth.  It will seek to promote fellowship and support, encourage new visions and inspire a new generation of evangelicals in our church.  So, whether you are young or old, or in leadership or not, we’d love you to be there.

Our two keynote speakers are Archbishop Justin Badi and Canon John McGinley.  Justin is Primate of South Sudan and Chair of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican churches. John directs the Myriad programme in the Church or England, that seeks to plant 10,000 new churches in 10 years.  Both our speakers will be speaking on the theme of Heritage and Hope - reflecting on the great inheritance of evangelism we’ve been given, our role in bringing the Gospel to others today and hopes and renewed visions for the future.

The day will also include an opening bible reading, worship, panel input from local speakers and time for fellowship and discussion.

When: Saturday 27 April from 10.00am - 4.00pm in St John's Parish Centre, Moira

The cost is £15 (£10 if under 23 or in training) and this includes lunch and tea break goodies. Tickets and more information are available from www.firstthings.church