• 12 April 2024

MindMatters seed funding open to applications

MindMatters CoI is the Church of Ireland’s project aimed at supporting and promoting positive mental health withing the Church community. Now in its fourth year, the project is once again inviting applications from qualified groups for seed funding to support mental health initiatives in their local communities.

Who can apply?

Applications are encouraged from dioceses, parishes and other groups within the Church of Ireland. If you are unsure whether you can apply, please contact the project team at: mhp@rcbcoi.org or 00 353 1 4125660.

Download an application form here


As part of this round of funding, it is essential that at least one member of the applying team attend online mental health awareness training prior to submitting the application (the training it is open to all so a number from your parish can attend if they wish). The training can be booked here.

(Please note; whilst other training options appear on the website, please only book onto the mental health awareness training as this is the training required to fulfil the criteria for seed funding). 

If you are trying to think of ideas of projects, please visit the MindMatters website here where you can see a brief overview of all the projects that took place in 2022/23.