• 26 April 2024

Pushing back against poverty

Ahead of Christian Aid Week (12–18 May 2024), we hear Aline’s story of overcoming violence and homelessness to run a successful business.

Aline Nibogora is 35 and lives in the small East African country of Burundi. She was married young and aged just 14, she gave birth to the first of her six children. Her husband was violent and beat her regularly. One day, it got so bad that she fled. Forced to leave her children behind, Aline wandered the streets trying to stay close by, asking anyone for a place to sleep.

In a patriarchal society where men dominate in almost every aspect, life is particularly challenging for women. But Aline found the strength and determination to push back against the injustices she was facing. She went to a three–day workshop where Christian Aid funded trainers taught people about village savings and loans associations.

With a small start–up loan, Aline began trading avocados and peanuts locally. With her profits, she bought a bicycle to transport greater quantities of goods to markets further afield. Aline is now a grocery wholesaler. She’s been reunited with three of her sons and lives on her own plot of land in a village in Kayogoro, Makamba Province. She is planning to expand the business and is building a home for her family in the hope she’ll one day have all her children with her.

“I bought some solar panels,” Aline added. “We now have electricity and the children can see to do their homework in the evenings. There’s a shortage of food at the moment but I’m doing what I can to get by until it’s time to harvest.

This Christian Aid Week, your donations can help families like Aline’s to escape the trap of poverty and fulfil their ambitions.

For more information and to donate, please visit caweek.ie or telephone (028) 9064 8133 (Belfast) or 01 496 7040 (Dublin).