• 07 May 2024

A personal invitation from Bishop David

Ahead of our GROW teaching series which begins on Sunday evening 12 May, Bishop David issues a personal invitation to everyone in the Diocese of Down and Dromore.

“I am convinced that God is present with His people in a special way when we come together. Our gathering in His name equips us for life and our mission to share the light of the Gospel.

“God wants His church to grow and that means every local congregation. Churches grow when particular biblical values are in place so for eight evenings leading up to Pentecost Sunday I have invited speakers to help us take hold of these values and see them firmly rooted in our congregations.

“Every parishioner in all our parishes is invited so please do come to some or all of these evenings as you are able to attend.

“May you and your local parish be assured of my prayers for growth in both depth and commitment to Christ as well as growth numerically in the months ahead.”

Down & Dromore

Visit THIS PAGE for full programme details.