• 14 May 2024

GROW by following Jesus together

“It is necessary always to imagine better,” said Canon Alastair Graham as he began the third talk in our GROW teaching series.

At a time when many Christians have a pessimistic outlook on the future of the church, Alastair invited us to an optimism based on the truth about God and the message of the Gospel. It is not foolish to imagine something better for our parishes, it's necessary.

“The church needs to be noticed and not ignored,’ he said. “This happens when we have the confidence to say that the Gospel has not lost its power and appeal; when people outside the church see that we love each other; when we recover being ‘People of the Way’, recognised for who we are rather than what we do: and when we confidently stand by our moral beliefs.”

This is what a healthy and attractive Christian community looks like. It’s a community that takes seriously Jesus’ invitation to “Follow me.”

Please join us again on Wednesday evening 15 May at 7.30pm in Willowfield Church when Paul Reid will speak on “Creating a culture of generosity”. 

GROW looks at eight values vital to seeing growth in our churches. Visit THIS PAGE for full details of the teaching series which runs until Sunday 19 May.