• 27 May 2024

The Suitcase Project is underway

The Suitcase Project is under way in Emmanuel Hall on Roslyn Street. We have created a Conversational English Café where local volunteers sit with newcomer individuals and families, talking with them, and helping them build their English language usage. We have had 14 countries represented. This has been a great stepping–off point for the project. 

I have just completed a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course and training on navigating Universal Credit. These areas will be important as the project moves forward and we look to support asylum seekers and refugees in various areas of life. 

Please pray for The Suitcase Project that:
  • We would continue to build connections with people, churches and organisations so that we can best serve newcomers.

  • God would mobilise volunteers across the diocese.

  • We would continue to have opportunities to meet with newcomers and the heart to listen and serve them.

  • For those we have already met, that we would be able support and care for them at their point of need.

  • For those who live in a new fear created by the Rwanda bill. This has caused real worry for many asylum seekers throughout the UK, including Northern Ireland. Pray that they would know God’s peace and for wisdom of those supporting them.

  • That God would guide my steps as we develop the work of the Suitcase Project.

Throughout the diocese there are newcomers being moved into most of the areas where we have a church presence. I would love to visit with you and share the work of The Suitcase project and how we may connect to best support newcomers throughout the diocese. tim@thesuitcaseproject.org

Tim Burns