• 12 June 2024

Death of Revd Michael Houston

It is with sadness that we share the news of the death of the Reverend Michael Houston, who died on Tuesday 11 June at the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald.

Michael was ordained to the auxiliary/non–stipendiary ministry and served in Bangor Abbey and Donaghadee, before becoming part–time priest–in–charge of the Parish of Ballyphilip and Ardquin in Portaferry. He spent three years as chaplain to a congregation in Cyprus before retiring to South Down, where he served in the Lecale Group and subsequently LAMP, looking after Ballyculter and Kilclief churches.

The Revd Adrian Dorrian, Vicar of LAMP, said, “Michael was a consummate priest who always brought dignity to the services of worship he conducted. He had a real gift for encouraging and equipping others. Even after stepping back from day–to–day ministry he continued to lead our Evergreens Group in LAMP. He and his wife June made a real difference in the lives of many of its members. We extend June and the wider family circle our deepest sympathy and the assurance of our love and prayers.”

The Funeral Service will take place in Christchurch Ballyculter at 11.00am on Saturday 15 June.