• 20 June 2024

Diocesan Synod in brief

This year’s Diocesan Synod met in St Mark’s Dundela on Thursday 20 June where we were hosted by the rector, Canon Helene Steed and her team. The guest preacher at Holy Communion was the Rt Revd Leo Paul, Bishop of the Diocese of Multan in Pakistan.

Preaching in English, his third language, Bishop Leo brought warm greetings from Multan and thanked all those who had hosted him and his wife Honey.

In his sermon Bishop Leo challenged us to go out with the gospel. “Even the disciples wanted to settle down, but Jesus wanted to send them out. As God’s chosen people it is our privilege to have the living work of being fishers of men. God has called us to share this living grace.” 

Synod business and presentations

The Ven Mark Harvey was elected as a member of the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland for the next three years. The Synod also voted to adopt the revised Diocesan regulations.

The Report of the Diocesan Council was proposed by Revd Adrian Dorrian (Hon Clerical Sec, Down) and seconded by Mrs Diane Ruddock (Dromore).

The report was very warmly received, and work and ministry of the diocese spoken of very positively by a variety of contributors.

Standing Orders were suspended for Tim Burns who leads The Suitcase Project. On this World Refugee Day Tim spoke movingly about the plight of newcomers and invited churches and individuals to engage with the project which is now based off the Woodstock Road.

June Butler also spoke about the issue of domestic violence and what Mothers’ Union is doing to equip and raise awareness among churches.  

David Manning clearly and skilfully presented a healthy Statement of Diocesan Accounts which were adopted by Synod.

Finally, we heard from Ian Bingham who is the Head of CARE Northern Ireland. CARE have many resources to help churches engage with and think Christianly about politics and big issues facing society today eg. assisted suicide. Ian is also available to speak and may be contacted at ian.bingham@care.org.uk

Before Bishop David closed Synod with a scripture reading and prayer, Archdeacon Jim Cheshire thanked him for leading the diocese in a such gospel–focused and hope–filled way.

(During the Presidential Address Tony Gaston presented on the work of Fields of Life in Maridi. Look out on the diocesan website for details of how to partner with them in this part of South Sudan.)