• 08 July 2024

CIYD online survey closes 12 July

The Church of Ireland Youth Department’s short online survey closes this Friday 12 July, and CIYD is asking everyone involved in leading youth work around our Church to take 15 minutes to complete it.  It can all be done over a quick cuppa!

The survey aims aim to capture the fullest possible picture of youth work supported by the Church of Ireland and will help CIYD plan ahead for how they serve young people and leaders, and work with other organisations for this goal, in the coming years. 

Your 15 minutes can help us all make a bigger difference for the better – well ahead into the future.

If anyone has any questions or queries, or needs the link to the survey to be emailed to them again, or needs assistance in completing it, please contact the co-ordinator, Olive Good, at olivecgood@gmail.com or on 00 353 87 245 1310.

National Youth Officer, Simon Henry, says: “Can I please encourage clergy, youth workers and key volunteers to assist us with completing our online research survey for youth ministry? The data collected will benefit the whole Church, and of course individual dioceses, so we can see an accurate landscape of youth ministry across the island and be challenged to better serve our young people and grow them in Christian faith and discipleship.”

Thank you to each leader who sets an example for and encourages our young people in every way, from parents and carers to clergy, and those who lead in youth clubs, youth fellowships and uniformed organisations – and the many volunteers in camps and teams this summer – as we follow Jesus across Ireland today.