• 26 July 2024

FORGE Mission Team see God at work in Hungary

Our FORGE mission team are on their way to Budapest after serving at a Christian camp in Szarvas, Hungary. They've worked hard in very hot weather but God has been faithful!

The team of eight has been led by our FORGE Coordinator Janine Armstrong and FORGE Apprentice, Grayce Turton. The group have developed strong bonds as they’ve studied God’s Word, prayed together, and shared Jesus with the young people of Szarvas.

Janine said: “On the final day of camp Grayce delivered a fabulous talk about how Jesus is King and Owen did the leaders’ hot seat where he shared his story. We had games as usual and chose a really upbeat worship song to finish camp with singing and dancing!

"We have learnt so much about Hungarian culture and adjusted to the hot weather (with the help of lots of cold drinks and ice lollies).

"It’s been thrilling to see young people make decisions to follow Jesus. God has been using these young adults to bless the church and community and teaching them about leadership.

"Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we sightsee in Budapest and travel home.”